SEE our Workshop
Do you and your students want to learn about what it would be like to grow up in Equatorial Guinea? Do you want your students to have a sense of participatory social justice? Do you believe as we do that understanding one's world can lead to significant social change? Here is an opportunity to engage youth worldwide to create significant social change. Be a part of it! Please give us the opportunity to help your students understand the world they live in!
What does this workshop entail? Our workshop is about 45 minutes, including a PowerPoint, a slide show of pictures, and time for questions from the students. It can be done as an in-school assembly for students, or in the evening so parents can also be included. There can be an additional interactive training and workshop on social change and creating a social justice project if the school or class is interested. What Supplies are Needed? Paper, Notebooks, Pencils, Construction paper, Colored pencils, Crayons, Scissors, Glue, Chalk, Rulers, Spanish/English and Spanish/French dictionaries, Play dough, Games, Books printed in Spanish, Sports Equipment, Craft supplies, Manipulatives, Puzzles and any other school supplies you can think of! Interested in a workshop or school supply drive? Contact us and help us empower kids and increase access to school supplies to thousands of students around the world! Click Here to Request a Workshop For Your School or Organization! |
A Review of Our Workshop: |